Sermon “Why Opportunities are Missed”
Fifth in the Series on Esther: “For Such a Time as This”
Opportunities are often missed because the person fails to remember where they’re from, who’s with them, why they’re here and what action to take.
Scripture Drama:
“Jonah” by Peggy Freeman
Shared by Catherine Hions
Reflection: “The Day My Mother’s Head Exploded” shared by Catherine Hions
Music by Rebecca Loo
Sermon “What Happens to Good People When Bad Things Happen?”
Series on Esther: “For Such a Time as This” It is true, we become bewildered when we focus only on what’s lost and we begin to become better when we believe that the future is not lost. And finally we are blessed when we have faith in the Lord.
Sermon “The Games People Play”
Series on Esther: “For Such a Time as This” Life can be complicated. And sometimes it is made more complicated by the games we play.