Our church strives to be here for all those who are experiencing significant changes in their lives, whether those be positive or negative.


At Stouffville United we believe that membership is not about a name on a church roll.  Rather, it is to publicly affirm one’s faith and the desire to live that faith through the church.

As the creed of our church reminds us, we are called to be the Church:

  • to celebrate God’s presence,
  • to live respect in Creation,
  • to love and serve others,
  • to seek justice and resist evil,
  • to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen.

If you are interested in learning more about church membership please contact our Minister, Rev. Dr. John Niles and she will be pleased to talk with you.

Baptisms and Child Dedications

In the creed of our church we proclaim that “We are not alone-We live in God’s World”.  We understand that we come to baptism in response to God’s grace and that through baptism we belong to God’s universal congregation of faith.

A person can be baptized at any age.  When a person being baptized is an adult they do so following a public profession of their faith. 

When the person being baptized is an infant or child, the profession of faith or vow to nurture their child’s faith within the context of the church, is made by the parent or guardian.

Because a part of our understanding of Baptism is a welcoming into the community of faith, we celebrate baptisms as part of our Sunday morning worship service.  Occasionally there are exceptional and emergency circumstances when we will celebrate baptism in a private setting.

If you are interested in learning more about Baptism at Stouffville United Church, please do not hesitate to Contact Us.


In the United Church we see people as unique, loved creations of God and welcome all people to the full life of Christian community, including marriage. We believe God intends loving relationships to be faithful, responsible, just, healing, and sustaining of the couple and those around them, and that such relationships require preparation and nurture.  

Stouffville United celebrates the marriage of 

  • same-sex couples 
  • previously divorced people 
  • couples of different religious backgrounds 

Our minister is pleased to work with you to create a worship ceremony that will be meaningful to you. Our expectation is that our minister will officiate at your wedding.  

Please review these Frequently Asked Questions and then contact our Office Administrator at office@stouffvilleuc.ca for your next steps.  


In the creed of our church, we proclaim “In life, in death, in life beyond death…. God is with us; we are not alone.”

As Christians we uphold the dignity and sacredness of life.  We believe that life should be celebrated as God’s gift and that, even in death, we are called to celebrate and give thanks for life.  It is our privilege to be of practical assistance and spiritual support when there is a time to uphold a life that has ended.

Typically, a funeral service is planned with the assistance of a funeral home and in that case, all fees and details will be coordinated through them.  If that is not the case, then please contact our Office Administrator at office@stouffvilleuc.ca (905-640-1163) or our minister Rev. Dr. John Niles at revjohn@stouffvilleuc.ca (905-640-1163) directly.

Our reception team is available to provide refreshments.  They can be contacted through the Office Administrator.

Please check the Rental Rate section of our website for further details regarding fees for Funerals.