Sunday Worship Service – Sermon: “The Purpose Driven Life”
Christmas isn’t about putting on the religious mask. It is about maintaining a relationship with the Lord. It is about coming clean about what our life is really like. It is about opening ourselves up to God in such a way that we will forever be changed. It is about admitting our need for God. Don’t let your past take from your present, nor taint your future.
Worship At Home – Sermon Message -“Have You No Faith” – God is always with those who cross to the other side. Call it transitional, call it new direction, call it finding one’s path, God is always with anyone who is making the brave decision to change course, to accept newness, to grow into a new identity.
Worship At Home – Sermon Message -“Having Faith” – As a church we’ve lamented the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls. As a church we’ve lamented the violence that has erupted over treaty rights across the land. As a church we’re grieving the 215 children in the unmarked graves.
Worship At Home – Sermon Message -“Take My Hand” – We’ve got work to do. And it will mean more than following with our heart. It will mean moving our feet. It will mean getting past our comfort place. It will mean learning more than what we’ve already learned. It will ask us to change. It will ask us to dismantle systems. It will ask us to serve in a way we’ve never served before. SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO