“GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST” – Sunday, December 12, 2021

Like the Ghost of Christmas past who visited Scrooge; that messenger
Gabriel sought to shed light on the events of Mary’s life and offer her God’s peace;
and to also offer God’s promise. “You have found favor with God…You will be
with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.
The Ghost of Christmas Past – Third Week of Advent – December 12, 2021 – There was a promise of a brighter future Scrooge just as there was for
Mary and for us; but first Mary had to get past her fears.

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“A Dickens of a Christmas” – Sunday, November 28, 2021

Christmas isn’t about putting on the religious mask. It is about maintaining a relationship with the Lord. It is about coming clean about what our life is really like. It is about opening ourselves up to God in such a way that we will forever be changed. It is about admitting our need for God. Don’t let your past take from your present, nor taint your future.   

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“Joy Enough for the Journey” – Sunday, November 14, 2021

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE – Joy Enough for the Journey
Paul understood this. Paul found humor in humble surroundings and even in the midst of horrible situations. He found a reason to rejoice regardless of the situation. He didn’t just wait.

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“You Might Just Surprise Yourself” – Sunday, November 7, 2021

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE – “You Might Just Surprise Yourself” Let me tell you what the Lord told Gideon that day is true for you today; that you are the child of the most High God. You were born with and for a purpose, and no matter what you have done in the past or how guilty your feel because you believe you failed to do what you thought you should have done; you are healed, restored, and forgiven.

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