Minutes from Stouffville United Church Council Meeting for November 2020 has been added to our Church Member Information page. Contact…
Worship At Home – Sermon Message -Worship is graced by the presence of God. And this is true when we gather in person, and this is true when we gather as an online church. We are the church however we gather because God is in our midst..- SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Lesson Plans: No matter what size we are, no matter how young or old we are, we are all important to God, and we can all be God’s helpers.
Worship At Home – Sermon Message -The presence of God is here. The moral compass lies in the heart of the Son who gave us these words of power: Love your God, and love your neighbour as yourself.- SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Lesson Plans: Today we’re talking about a REALLY large family: the church. The church is a big family, and we all belong to it. Let’s learn more about Jesus’ baptism.