Signing Up To PAR (pre authorized remittance) may be an option for those that normally donate on Sunday or through the office.
Through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account, give to what matters to you most.
This can be done by contacting the office. A paper trail is needed (physical signatures) and banking information.
Our office can mail you an authorization form to complete, or find online at PAR Authorization Form. Then attach a cheque from your account marked “sample” or “void.” Mail the form and your cheque to the PAR Administrator, at our Stouffville United Church Office.
Please do not come directly to the church office as it is closed except to staff.
Stouffville United Church
34 Church Street
Stouffville, ON
L4A 1E3
telephone: 905-640-1163 (leave message)
email: office@stouffvilleuc.ca
The amount will be transferred from your account to our congregation’s account on the 20th of each month. You can modify or cancel your donation, change how it is designated, or change your information at any time.
We thank you for your continued support of Stouffville United Church in these difficult times.