Glen Greenwood
Stouffville United Church
Scripture: (NRSV)
Psalm 26
2 Samuel 7: 1-17

Call to Worship:
We come from scattered lives to meet with God. Let us recognize God’s presence with us. Silence is kept. As God’s people we have gathered:
All: let us worship together.
Faithful one, whose word is life:
come with saving power
to free our praise,
inspire our prayer
and shape our lives
for the kingdom of your Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Prayer of Confession:
Holy God we come to you today with a sense of
Humility. We recognize that we sometimes give in
To self-serving interests rather than carry out your
Work in the world.
You call us to service, but often your invitation
Falls on our closed hearts and minds.
Forgive us when we only look to our own interests
And ignore the interests of those around us and the
Interests of creation.
We ask for your blessing and guidance, so that we
May enter a state of harmony with each other and
With creation.
(a time of silent reflection)
Words of Assurance:
God is the one who reconciles and makes new.
God instills in us a sense of peace when we are
surrounded by conflict.
God has shown us the true nature of humility by
coming to us in human form.
Knowing that God is alongside us each day, let us
embrace forgiveness and reconciliation.
Thanks be to God. Amen.
-Aaron Palmer, St. Paul’s UC, New Liskeard, ON