Rev. Linda Levin
Stouffville United Church
Psalm 25 (v 1-7)
Proverbs 8: 1-4; 22-36

LEADER: Gracious God,
You have created this beautiful world,
And woven your light through every human being.
PEOPLE: But we have failed to rejoice in the daily gift of life;
We have been quick to judge,
Slow to appreciate.
We have been quick to complain,
slow to remember your many blessings.
In our blindness,
we have hurt ourselves and others.
We are sorry for this,
and all the ways we have failed you and one another.
Silent reflection
LEADER: Send your Holy Spirit on us, we pray.
PEOPLE: Heal us, renew us and remind us
to seek your light in all things,
and to rejoice in the work of your hands.