Reflection at Stouffville United Church
by Catherine Hions
Matthew 2:1-23

Prayer of Confession
O God, you were a baby once,
and a cruel king tried to stop your love
from coming into the world.
You were a child once,
and some people didn’t believe
that a child could have wisdom or faith.
You were a young adult,
and people wondered at your power
to help things change.
Now you are here.
And sometimes we get in the way of your love;
sometimes we doubt your wisdom;
sometimes we give up on change.
Hear us as we confess
the ways we have dishonoured your goodness
in us and others at different stages of our lives.
Congregational Sung Response: #948 VU
O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer,
When I call answer me.
O God, hear my prayer, O God, hear my prayer,
Come and listen to me.