The Re-opening Team met on April 25, 2022 to review our current COVID procedures for Worship and for church events at Stouffville United:

Mask wearing will be strongly recommended but will no longer be mandatory
at Sunday Worship And Church Groups / Meetings.
We will no longer be checking vaccination status for
attendance at Worship services.
Please Stay Home If You Are Unwell Or Symptomatic
or Have been In Contact With Someone Who Has COVID-19
Please Self Screen And Use
Coronavirus (COVID-19) self-assessment (ontario.ca) As Your Guide

Travelers Are Welcome Upon Your Return
(Adhering To The Above Requirements)
Please sanitize hands upon entry and often.
Mask wearing will be strongly recommended but will no longer be mandatory. This decision was made due to several factors. With our typical attendance at Sunday worship, it is not difficult to social distance from other worshippers in the sanctuary. In addition, we believe that the majority of our in-person attendees at church will continue to wear masks.
We expect our church to be a mask friendly environment.

Church groups are encouraged to wear masks when they meet, especially if social distancing cannot be maintained.
As has been the case throughout the pandemic, when circumstances change, our team will meet to review our current procedures and amend them where necessary.
Worship will continue to be live streamed and uploaded to our YouTube channel
Stouffville United Church – YouTube

For more information about Covid Response in Ontario:
COVID-19 public health measures and advice | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario
The church is open to all church groups, sponsored groups and renters.
Please Contact Booking at Booking Guidelines – What to Expect When You Book A Room At Stouffville United Church (stouffvilleuc.ca) to schedule your events/groups.
Note: The Montessori Pre-School which operates under separate rules and regulations for Daycares from the Ministry of Education.
Our church office is now open. Please follow above guidelines to access. We monitor our phone (905)640-1163 and email messages and will reply to you as soon as possible.
It is no longer required to keep a record of attendees at every event .
(This information was previously being used for potential contact tracing.)
We are in this together. We are holding you in our prayers.
God is with us; we are not alone.