Stouffville United is an amazing place where children who enter are treasured and embraced with love.
We are currently striving to revitalize our church in
new and uplifting ways.
We provide a safe and secure environment for today’s younger generation, teaching them about God’s awesome power and devotion to us.
Each week our kids are transformed into “J-Walkers (Jesus’ Walkers)” going on engaging and inspiring journeys to spark their imaginations. Children will be learning about the 10 Commandments Jesus gave Moses on Mount Sinai.
1. “You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me”
2. “You Shall Not Make Any Idols”
3. “Speak God’s Name With Respect”
4. “Set Aside a Special Day for God”
5. “Honour Your Father and Mother”
6. “You Shall Not Kill”
7. “Be True to Your Husband or Wife”
8. “You Shall Not Steal”
9. “You Shall Not Lie”
10. “You Shall Not Want What Others Have”

Each Sunday children begin worship in the Sanctuary at 10:30am until after the choir anthem, then proceed to the Davis Room for their
weekly “children’s worship” lesson.
Please come and check out our exciting program. We look forward to
seeing you and your family!
If you would like further details about Children’s Worship
or events, you can email Children’s Worship
Coordinator: Lisa Harvey at lharvey@stouffvilleuc.ca
Christian Development Chair: Marlene Geremia at mgeremia@stouffvilleuc.ca
A NOTE ABOUT OUR VOLUNTEERS – The safety and care of children is very
important to us, so we ask all volunteers to provide us with a
level one police check (VSS-vulnerable Sector Screening).