Worship At Home – Sermon Message -A king is measured not by hordes of chariots or the gold in the treasury, but by whether the cause of the poor was defended, whether the needy were delivered.”[2] This is what justice looks like to God – justice is an agency that works across all distinctions and boundaries, a presence that is more valuable than gold in the bank.- SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO
CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Lesson Plans: We learned about the angels and the shepherds that go and see baby Jesus. Today we are going to learn about some other people who traveled a long distance to see Jesus: the magi.
Worship At Home – Our Christmas Eve service will be a Narration and Musical story telling of that first Christmas Night so long ago. SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO
Worship At Home – Sermon Message – What happens in between the planting and the emergence of green? What is in this in-between? Trust. Trust that the seed will germinate and the plant will emerge from the seed.- SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO
Worship At Home – Sermon Message God also leads, if we open our hearts to hear the Spirit’s call. Today’s passage from Isaiah however, asks me to reassess just how I’m listening to God’s call. Is my hearing selective? Am I truly open to God’s leading?- SERMON, BULLETIN, YOUTUBE VIDEO