Covenanting Service For Rev. Capt. Dr. John Niles – Sunday, June 12, 2022

Meditation at Stouffville United Church

Guest Preacher: Rev. Capt. Dr. Dave Foster

Regional Representative: Rev. Dr. James Clubine



Promises of the New Minister

Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Rev Niles do you, in the presence of this community of faith, take on the new trust and responsibility of ministering with Stouffville United?
Rev. John: I do.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you accept the guidance of Shining Waters regional council and, together with its other members, be responsible for the health of Stouffville United Church?
Rev. John: I will.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you share in the ministry goals and faith story of this community of faith?
Rev. John: I will.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you accept the support and encouragement of this community of faith and this regional council?
Rev. John: I will.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you work cooperatively with the wider church and wider community to embody God’s love in the world?
Rev. John: I will.

Promises of the Community of Faith

Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you join with Rev Niles in a ministry of worship, study, prayer, and action within Stouffville United Church, Shining Waters regional Council and within the wider church?
Members of the community of faith: We will.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you support him as he serves among you in this ministry?
Members of the community of faith: We will.

Promises of Regional Council, Wider Church and Community

Members of the wider church and community come forward [this could include community partners, members of other faith traditions, United Church of Canada members, affiliated partners, as well as
members of any other United Church body].
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you, as members of Shining Waters regional council and members of the wider community, join with Rev Niles and this community of faith in the ministry that is both theirs and ours?
Wider community members: We will.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Will you support and encourage them in this ministry?
Wider community members: We will.

Presentation of Symbols

Symbols of ministerial function will vary, depending on the people involved in the covenant, but they may include the following:
A BIBLE (Chris Fahrner)
A member of the community carries a Bible to the new minister.
“Take this Bible. Be with us as one who teaches and proclaims the Word.”
People: Amen.
The new minister places the Bible on the pulpit or lectern.
WATER and TOWEL (Marg Curtis)
A member of the community carries a pitcher of water to the new minister.
“Be with us as one who baptizes in the name of Christ.”
People: Amen.
The new minister takes the pitcher and pours the water into the font. .
BREAD AND WINE (Barb Hendren)
Members of the community carry a loaf of bread and a cup of wine to the new minister.
“Be with us as one who cares for those who hunger and thirst and who seeks justice.
People: Amen.
The new minister places the bread and wine upon the table.
Rev. Dr. James Clubine:
Rev. John Niles and Stouffville United community of faith, let all these be signs of the ministry that is and that will be in this community.
People: Amen.
Let us rejoice in the covenant we have made.